We Stand Divided, Beth Israel Readers Group


The Congregation Beth Israel Readers Group with the Israel Advocacy Committee invite you to join them online August 19, 1:30 p.m. (zoom link will be sent after RSVP) For a discussion on this Israel-US Relations book with David M. Scott, RJE Please RSVP to Stephanie Robertson at SRobertson@beth-israel.org Library copies available; reserve one from Judy Weidman […]

Meet our New Rabbi, Aaron Sataloff


The Family Engagement Committee and Zach Silverman, Chair Freddy Feldman, Board Liason invite all families with young children to join an Online Meet and Greet with Rabbi Sataloff and moderator David M. Scott, RJE Please send questions and RSVP to Kerri Zerlin, Youth Coordinator KZERLIN@BETH-ISRAEL.ORG